The bleeding heart of Love

Justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne, mercy and truth go before his face.(psalms:89:14)

There is a sudden gleeful avalanche in bashing and mockery of evangelicals and many christians who have made their views on certain issues political, public, especially in regard to the US election–Some are the persecutions to endure. These(Christians and evangelicals– and a certain demographic demarcated by race has been the target ) happen to be human beings and on that front much of their human nature, because of their beliefs,must have been overshadowed. Many bashing and mocking them are finding glory in the mockery and bashing and alas it speaks of how the world has changed, a season has shifted, and we are all imperfect. The validation of being right has become finding that ‘fault’ in the other person’s wrong. Our salvation is no longer worked in fear and trembling, the trust in man is more than the trust in God, the one with a log in their eye is standing on his log to reach for the speck in the other’s eye, forgetting his prominent log. The evangelicals and Christians are not the word of God, if some have in their human moment of weakness(for our righteousness is like filthy rags before God, and all have fallen short of God’s glory) perpetuated a belief that they were incanet truth and you looked at that and not the word of God then return to the scriptures? Find your peace with God, seek His revelation in these uncertain times, look not onto man, pray. Do not fall for the alluring temptation for the collective invalidation of Christians, a false sense of security, happening in the guise of intellectual discourse and others, that is an indubitable lure into a wide path which takes you away from asking yourself the fundamental question which is: Despite the madness in our times, I’m I right with God and His word(for the Christian believer). Politics and politicians have come and gone, empires have risen and fallen, Kings have come and gone. And so as it was, so it is, and so shall it be.Who can search God’s heart? Who knows the foundations of creation in the heavens and the earth? God: who was there, is there and is to come. In all the equation of creation(with your free will, chose to believe or not) God is the unchanging constant. Look not unto man, trust not man even the man within you, look within your heart, seasons rise and fall. The kingdom of God is within you(for this also seek revelation). God sits on a throne.

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